"Golden Fleece" Competition is devoted to history of the world art. The initiative of the Competition belongs to the Institute of Productive Training of the Russian Academy of education. One of the Institute’s primary goals is introduction of new educational technologies to the education system. Being a non-standard form of learning process, the Competition is meant to induce participants to show creative skills in solving interesting tasks. The objective is not evaluating knowledge level of participants, but rather an uncovering of their ability to search for information and analyze it.
Preparation for the first "Golden Fleece" Competition begun in 2000. Organizers tried to decide between various approaches to the event, different ways of completing tests and tried to determine qualities of participants needed. The first experimental "Golden Fleece" competition took place in 2003. About 11 thousand students from St.-Petersburg, Moscow and Kirov participated. Content and organization of the Competition received favourable reviews from teachers and parents. The idea the "Gold Fleece" has been supported by the State Duma Committee on Education and Science and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The competition topics that followed were "Homo Ludens – a Human Playing" (2004), "Ex Oriente Lux - Light From the East" (2005). The next competition will be named "Russia and Italy. Cultural and historical communications"

Main page


  Competition-2006 "Russia - Italy"

Tasks for 1-7 grade
Task for 8-11 grade
Materials of contests
Competition-2005 "Ex Oriente Lux – Light from the East"

Tasks for 1-7 grade
Task for 8-11 grade
Competition-2004 "Homo Ludens – the Person playing"

Tasks for 3-7 grade
Task for 8-11 grade